Hopes and dreams of a future,
Now dashed to pieces and broken;
That is my heart, falling apart,
Melting in my hand from hurts.

Built up a dream with you at the center,
Yet all hopes are gone with the wind,
For another has your heart's song;
So must now mine get over you again.

But I would fight long for your affections,
Yet I fear losing a friendship so dear;
But is fighting what I ought to do,
To make you know how I care for you?

Or should I let you be happy,
Me suffer and endure another loss,
And know that you will be happy,
With me outside your heart looking inward?

Hopeless I am,
Nothing I do I know,
Yet I still feel,
A broken heart within.

Why do I hurt so much,
Having thought, not done;
Should I have done more?
Or would that have been wrong?

Am I too late?
Or will this pass?
Do I wait and see?
Do I fade away?

This my heart yearns to know,
If we, as a we, are history;
Or if I should wait still,
Knowing you. . .YOU are my other half!

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