Fire, burning flame,
Consumes all about;
Nothing hinders it,
Yet all are consumed.

Like a rogue army,
It marches randomly;
Yet out shoots its scouts,
And the army follows.

A single spark sets it ablaze,
One shot in the dark is all it takes
And by morning's light, it's chaos,
An army without leader set loose.

Fire consumes both life and death;
Death is taken quicker than life,
Yet with time and head on its side,
Life too will be consumed alike.

Fire is like Satan seeking to destroy,
Always seeking the weaklings with little life,
Or those which with time and trial
May yet be consumed by his flame.

Living Water consumes the flame,
So some water quenches a blazing fire;
Seek the Living Water to bathe in daily,
Or else the flame will one day win.

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